What is hypnotherapy for?
Many things including: anxiety, assertiveness, audition nerves, bereavement issues, binge-eating, blushing, bruxism (jaw-clenching or tooth-grinding), bulimia, compulsive behaviour, confidence boosting, creativity enhancement, dental anxiety or phobia, eczema, emotional difficulties, exam nerves, fear of flying, headaches, improving concentration, insomnia, interview nerves, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nail-biting, nightmares, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCDs), over-eating, pain control, panic attacks and panic disorder, performance anxiety, phobias, post-operative recovery, pregnancy and childbirth, pre-operative nerves, procrastination, self-esteem enhancement, skin conditions, sleep difficulties, snoring, stop smoking, stress-related conditions, tinnitus, trichotillomania (compulsive hair-pulling), weight loss, writer's block...