Blog: everything you ever wanted to
know about hypnotherapy
Learnings, tips and support for everyone who wants to feel more in control of their life
Hypnotherapy - the last resort?
Why do people try everything else before they turn to hypnotherapy?
What is hypnosis
Hypnosis, also called a hypnotic trance, is a natural state, rather like daydreaming
What happens in a session
Sessions last between one and two hours. The first session starts with …
Therapy by video call
Covid restrictions in 2020 meant that we tried hypnotherapy by video call. It worked much better than I could have hoped…
Is hypnosis the same as sleep?
Hypnosis is different to being asleep. It can feel as if you’re drifting off, but actually it’s not sleep, it’s better than sleep…
How many sessions will I need?
Hypnotherapy is generally a short-term therapy. Stopping smoking may only take one session. For other issues, you may want to book a short series of sessions
Does stopping smoking mean that I’ll put on weight?
People have often tried and failed to stop smoking a number of times before they see me for a smoking cessation session. Often they put on weight when they tried to stop before. With hypnotherapy it can be different
Will I remember what happens in hypnosis?
Some people remember in great detail and can almost relate every word I said. Some people are so relaxed that they don't bother to listen consciously to what I'm saying
Are hypnosis recordings helpful?
I will teach you tools and techniques that help you to feel in control
How to choose the right therapist for you
Choose carefully.
There are a lot of hypnotherapists…
How long do the changes last
The effects of hypnotherapy can be long-lasting or permanent as the suggestions are made directly to the subconscious part of your mind
When you’re ready to make the change
Book in for a free 20-min video call